Distracted Driving Month: 3 Safe Driving Tips
April 8, 2016 7:31 pm CommentFor those of us that spend our time earning money behind the wheel at Smith Transport, we know truck driving means facing the perils of the road. Professional drivers have seen it all, from lane drifters to hyperactive brakers to the ever-present negligent speeders – all seemingly in league with one another to make the occupation hazardous. But it’s not just commuters who can make roads unsafe; sometimes truck drivers are guilty too. That’s why we’re happy to join the American Trucking Associations to recognize April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
So what can we all do to keep our minds clear of distractions and our roads free from trouble? Here are a few tips inspired by our friends at ATA:
1. Put Away The Phone
It’s hard to resist taking a look at your phone once you hear the chime of new call or text message. That’s why it’s better to put phones and tablets out of sight and out of mind while driving. Even if you just take a look at your phone for five seconds at low highway speeds, your rig will have traveled about a football field before you get your eyes back on the road – and a whole lot of bad can happen in the meantime. That text can wait!
2. Be Prepared to Drive
Rolling out of bed and into the driver’s seat is something common to all of us, but putting just a few minutes in between the sack and the wheel can make a big difference. Have some breakfast or a quick workout before starting your trip. You’ll be better fed and more alert for the challenges ahead. Even if you just take a walk around your rig, a little preparedness ritual will focus your mind, awaken your senses, and prepare you for a safe day of travel.
3. Secure Your Equipment and Cargo
Have you ever spilled a drink or dropped a bag of chips while attempting to drive? Have you ever watched your favorite book or magazine slide across the dashboard and onto the floor? From small inconveniences to major mishaps, unsecured items can create quite the distraction for even the most seasoned drivers. It’s even scarier to imagine something rolling in between you and your brake pedal, or loose cargo behind the truck. So, take a moment to make sure your all equipment and cargo is secure so you can hit the road in confidence.
We hope you’ll join us in taking a little extra time to avoid distracted driving both this month, and in all the others!
In the meantime, if you’re looking for more tips on trucking, news, or information on life in the industry, stay tuned to the Smith Transport blog for updates. For those of you interested in joining our elite team, send us an email at smith-recruiting@smithtransport.com, or give a recruiter a call at 866-265-3718. You can also apply online. We look forward to hearing from you!
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