Money-Saving Tips for Truck Drivers: Part I
January 13, 2016 10:08 am CommentFor truck drivers, time on the road and miles on the odometer often translate directly to money in their pockets. And while the pay is steadily rising and the benefits are often hard to beat, saving a little cash is never a bad idea. But with significant portions of a driver’s life taking place on the move, cutting back on expenses can be a little harder. Luckily, we’ve come up with trucking tips that should help both Smith Transport drivers and other transportation professionals save a few bucks.
The money-saving tips we’ve found can be divided into two worlds: the trucker and the truck. Let’s start with adjustments drivers can make to save a few dollars.
Try these tricks in the cab:
Pack a Lunch
This may be the most obvious option – its saved folks on expensive lunches since kindergarten. But upping your game by adding a transportable slow cooker and travel refrigerator will make your rig a virtual kitchen on wheels. Now you can eat healthier and cheaper wherever you are! And best of all, your tasty treats will prepare while you keep your attention on driving.
Keep an Eye Out for WI-FI
Staying in touch with loved ones on the road can quickly get pricey, especially if you drive long hauls to areas where you may be out of your normal coverage area. By taking advantage of WI-FI at coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, and truck stops, you’ll save data – and save some pennies. Also, consider downloading an app like Whatsapp, which allows you to communicate with friends and family via the app, rather than putting a dent in your long distance or other messaging rates.
Make a Budget
Ever notice yourself considering a purchase and thinking, “Well, it’s only five dollars…”? We all know the feeling and fall victim to it. But while making a nice little purchase of a comfort item isn’t a bad thing, not keeping track of it can add up fast. By coming up with a reasonable budget, you can cut back on unnecessary expenditures. A helpful method is to divide a budget by day – think of it as your personal per diem. This way, staying on track is easy to do in your head and on the go!
So there are our first few basic tips for saving money as a truck driver. Sure, there are plenty of other ways to save, and we hope you’ll seek them out and share your own tips with us on Facebook and Twitter. In the meantime, we’ll be putting ideas together for next week’s Smith Transport blog: “Part II: How Your Truck Can Help You Save Money.” Safe driving everyone!