Why You Shouldn’t Job Hop
September 30, 2014 9:23 am CommentIf you’re like many beginner truck drivers just starting off, you have probably asked yourself: “How long should I stay with this carrier?”
Current ideologies about careers have shifted. Society no longer thinks of themselves as ladder climbers, investing in one company for decades and retiring with years of loyalty to one company. Today, it’s common for people to switch careers every few years. While traditional wisdom suggests staying a minimum of one – two years at any given position, there’s good logic why you should stay put for a bit.
The longer you stay with a particular carrier, the more you invest in yourself as a professional truck driver. Allow us to offer a few good reasons you might consider “sticking with it:”
It Takes Time to Get Comfortable
Truck driving is a unique position. When you initially begin your driving career, it’s a new world to become accustomed to. Being on the road for long periods of time requires a lifestyle adjustment, but you aren’t alone. All beginner truck drivers experience this change, and adjusting to it isn’t an overnight process. Give it some time and do your best to find what routine fits you best. Ask experienced drivers and mentors for their advice. You’ll feel more comfortable and confident as you gain relevant experience.
Builds Trust and Loyalty
Two years is great, but you are more likely to build the respect of your fleet managers and mentors by staying with a carrier for a longer amount of time. Not only does it symbolize investment and commitment, but it also builds trust and loyalty–two treasured factors. While you are building trust, you are also building a network: those fleet managers and mentors may help you find your next driving position if they see you as someone who is committed to his/her work. Loyalty is highly valuable.
Ability to Earn Miles (and Experience)
After truck driving school, it’s time to put that knowledge to use and widen your skill set. When you stay with a carrier for a certain amount of time, you’re able to develop truck driving knowledge and continue to grow on that knowledge. Knowledge and experience are faster and easier to obtain when you’re not job-hopping. You can learn from mistakes, and continue to expand on your skills.
Earning miles is a large part of any truck driving career. If you acquire safe miles, you will also gain wonderful opportunities and advancements in your career. It’s important to stick with a carrier for a minimal amount of time so you can reach your driving goals. You can even accomplish amazing achievements, like becoming a Million Miler. Smith Transport’s Golden Eagle Million Mile Club is a honorable reward that proves dedication to excellence (and you can achieve this, too!)
Looks Great On Your Resume
“Resume building” isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but it’s a reality for all of us. If your resume shows yourself as a job-hopper, others may see that as a “red flag.” Not in all cases, but too many jumps and shifts can have its negative connotations. Truck driving can be a demanding job, so when recruiters see longevity on a resume, they respect you for your commitment and hard work. It takes a particular kind of dedication to have a successful career, and those qualities are difficult to find in our world of instant-gratification with new opportunities available every day.
So before you start thinking about a career move, make sure you’ve made the most of your current opportunity and build on your resume. There is no formula, no set number of years, and no cookie cutter mold to success. Simply do your best, work hard and give loyalty to your carrier, and you will find that devotion has unexpected rewards in the long run.
Life as a driver for Smith Transport offers many unique advantages. If you’re interested in driving for Smith, contact a recruiter today!
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